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Buy and Sell Bulk Pokémon Cards Easily in Tucson

About Us- BuySellBulkPokemonTucson

Well, this would be a bit long, so...

We're simply Pokemon collectors...

Who feel there is a need for better channels for selling bulk cards.

As we've stated elsewhere on this website, we're in the hobby- not earning a living from the hobby. Our process is a literally a labor of love. The profit margins are razor thin and we all earn essentially less than the equivalent of minimum wage- there is a lot of work associated with bulk cards (sheese... if we only knew!)

We do not operate a storefront for customers to come visit or do deals- we meet out in town at mutually beneficial places and times.

We all have 'day jobs' to pay the bills- this is our hobby/fun operation.

We do sell online at some of the major platforms- generally, that is where the cash comes from when we buy your bulk. Often we need to pause bulk buying operations to allow for some of our online sales to catch up are refill our cash reserves.

We're in Tucson because that's where we grew up, our family is here, and this is our home. We want to positively impact the local pokemon community- if we can (that's a tall order with the razor thin margins and aggressive attitudes- but we're trying!)

Serving the Tucson Pokémon Community

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